Thursday, February 12, 2015

Brushing Up on Pet Dental Care

Stephanie Groves, DHI Media Staff Writer

                Bacteria and plaque-forming foods can cause build-up on a pet’s teeth, which can harden, resulting in tartar, gingivitis, receding gums and tooth loss. One solution is regular dental cleanings.

                A pet’s “bad breath” or chronic halitosis may be a sign of a serious health risk, with the potential to damage not only Fido or Fluffy’s teeth and gums, but also their internal organs.

               In recognition of National Pet Dental Health Month, veterinarians address the significance of proactive oral care for all pets all year round but especially during the month of February. Delphos Animal Hospital’s Dr. Bonnie Jones, D.V.M., said National Pet Dental Health Month is an annual event when veterinarians may do promotions or offer discounts to increase awareness for pet dental care.

               “We want to emphasize that pet dental care is most effective when done on a daily basis and that dental cleanings should be done all year round, not just in February,” Jones said. “Many pet owners think that giving their pets tartar-control food and treats alone is adequate. We find that doing multiple things, including daily toothbrushing or wiping, providing hard rubber chew toys and dental treats, or using water additives, when all done together is most helpful. In the end, the pet owner needs to discover what is easiest to do for their pet’s dental care, while being certain to do it daily. Anything that provides mild abrasive action to the teeth will be helpful but it needs to be done regularly; once weekly or once monthly will not be effective.”

              She explained with dogs, daily toothbrushing is ideal using fingerbrushes, dental wipes or a small toothbrush.
“With cats, it’s a little trickier since they have fewer, smaller teeth and it’s harder to get brushes into their mouths,” Jones explained. “Cat dental care is best accomplished using flavored dental wipes or gauze. There are flavored toothpastes for dogs and cats as well. For some pets, especially cats, using gauze dipped in chicken broth, tuna, or clam juice works really well, as the flavoring provides a positive experience for the pet.”  It all comes down to what works best for the pet owner and pet.

              “Before a client leaves the veterinary hospital with their pet after a professional dental cleaning, we educate them on the importance of and techniques for providing pet dental care to prolong the benefits of the cleaning,” Jones said.
Dr. Marisa Tong, associate veterinarian at Delphos Animal Hospital, added that the sooner pet owners get started cleaning their pet’s teeth, the better.

             “Never use human toothpaste, as it can make pets sick,” Tong said. “Even though the mint flavored/smelling pet toothpastes make a pet’s breath smell better, poultry flavored is often preferred by the pet.”

The ASPCA and Dr. Jones recommend taking these steps to make brushing easier for both the pet and pet owner:

• A veterinary exam before beginning any preventive pet dental health program will be helpful as your veterinarian can make suggestions for a dental cleaning or what will work best for your pet. If your pet already has dental disease, brushing can be painful, setting the dental health program up for failure.

• Most importantly, acclimate your dog or cat to toothbrushing at an early age by massaging the pet’s lips with your fingers in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds once or twice a day for a few weeks. Then move on to the teeth and gums.

• When your pet seems comfortable with mouth handling, put a little flavored pet toothpaste or a paste of baking soda and water on the lips to get it accustomed to the taste.

• Next, introduce a toothbrush designed especially for pets — it should be smaller than a human toothbrush and have soft bristles. Fingerbrushes or pet dental wipes that you can apply over your finger are also available for cats and smaller mouths.

• Finally, apply the toothpaste to the teeth using a gentle abrasive action.

                Tong said it is ideal to “flip the lip” and perform dental assessments every six months and dental cleanings annually.  “Dogs and cats that have annual cleanings live longer and carry less bacteria in their mouths,” Tong explained. “It’s recommended to anesthetize cats and dogs for ultrasonic dental cleanings. Some pets, especially smaller pets and those on soft food diets may need ultrasonic cleanings more often.”

               During a dental cleaning, the patient is given an injectable anesthetic then intubated (an endotracheal tube is placed inside the wind pipe of an anesthetized patient). The endotracheal tube is then connected to a breathing circuit used to administer oxygen and inhalant anesthetics.The patient is monitored for heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood via equipment and veterinary staff members throughout the procedure.

              Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) Angela Unverferth added ultrasonic scaling uses a rapidly vibrating metal probe and cooling water mist to remove plaque and tartar on the surface of the pet’s teeth and below the gumline.
“A routine cleaning takes about 30-45 minutes,” Unverferth said. “I start with the backside of the teeth and work forward.”
After the cleaning, the patient’s teeth are polished and a dental sealant can be applied to slow the expected recurrence of plaque.

             “There are once-weekly dental sealant (Oravet) applications available for pet owners to use at home as well,” Tong explained. “We also make the best use of time when a pet is under anesthesia by doing toenail trims, ear cleanings and anal gland expressions as courtesy services included with our dental cleanings.”  Tong said the patient is slowly awakened once the last phase of the polishing begins so as not to keep it under anesthesia any longer than necessary.

             “Once the patient is off inhalation anesthetics, they begin breathing room air and must start swallowing before we extubate (remove) the endotracheal tube,” Tong detailed. “The patient will begin breathing more deeply as they are becoming more awake.”  The patient is then transferred into a recovery area where he/she is further monitored by staff.

              Jones also wants pet owners to be aware of the dangers of allowing Fido or Fluffy to play with, gnaw on or ingest certain dangerous toys or foodstuffs.

              “Dogs sustain many tooth fractures from chewing on items sold as toys. Nylon toys, pig’s ears, deer antlers and thick soup or knuckle bones can readily cause damage to pet dental enamel, even though it is the hardest surface in the body,” Jones explained. “Soup bones may get lodged around a pet’s lower jaw behind the fangs. We’ve had to saw these bones off from around the jaw with the pet under anesthesia.”

              Also, after chewing on and breaking chew bones, pets can get pieces stuck between their teeth and/or lodged in the roof of their mouths. They also have a likelihood of becoming obstructions in the intestinal tract or causing gastrointestinal inflammation and/or constipation,” Jones said.

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